Counter-intuitively, voluptuous goddess Carrie Lynn, a student at the University of Florida in Gainesville in the late 1990s, was not discovered on a Florida beach, but in a mall in Southern California while she was visiting family. It took time to get her to pose. In fact, shes the kind of girl who youd think would never pose nude in a thousand years. The SCORE photographer, the only photographer Carrie Lynn posed for, said she had the smallest vulva of any model he has ever shot, and this man has seen more pussy up-close than a Beverly Hills gynecologist. Carrie was one of those healthy, growing girls who went to school, did a lot of campus activities, dated--but not seriously--and was chased by a lot of boys, of course. She always said that when she graduated, she would stop modeling. Like a lot of large-boobed, regular girls who do not plan on getting involved in any kind of adult entertainment career, she never thought her chest was a big deal. Tell that to a tit man. Sometimes, shed get a little cranky like any girl, but overall, she was great to shoot. A recipient of our famous SCORE Scholarship Program, Carries modeling fees helped pay off some school bills. You never