Many of the SCORE Boob Cruise passengers considered Europe DiChan the ultimate entertainer. Europe sailed on the four-week-long Cruises in 1994, 95, 97 and 98. She was the glue that bonded all of the models on every voyage, supervising and managing the girls and many of the group activities. I just screamed as loud as I could and threatened to throw them overboard if they didnt listen. That quote was how Europe described her managerial style. Appointed the official model manager, Europe was the emcee for the strip shows and other activities, and she showed that she was a super-woman. She had the stamina and lung power to keep the girls activities on-schedule. Europes flair for exciting her audience had few equals, passenger C.S. wrote. After sailing with the SCORE Girls, ordinary women look like men! B.P. observed in an email he sent the office. You got that right, B.P.