Chloe Cherry leads Abigail Mac into the house. They are both happy and practically glowing, looking a bit tusselled. Chloe says that she doesnt get what all the hype is about threesomes after THAT. Abigail giggles, saying that maybe theyre not ALL like that. The poor guy really did try his best, but she thinks they were too much for him to handle! He definitely seemed out of his league even for just one sexually confident woman, let alone two! They sit down to relax but Chloe winces, rubbing her shoulder. When asked if shes okay, she says shes fine, shes just a bit stiff. A couple of those positions WERE pretty adventurous, after all! Maybe Abigail could massage her! Abigail happily agrees. As Abigail massages Chloes shoulders, Chloe says that, overall, it was an... Interesting... Experience for a first threesome. She just hopes it wont change anything between THEM. Abigail wholeheartedly insists that nothing will change between them. Yeah, it was a bit awkward at first until they got into it, but then it was great! Who better to have a first threesome with than your best friend!! Abigail gradually makes the massage more sensual, then curiously asks if Chloe would be willing